weed removing

Removing weeds naturally

Es gibt kaum einen Gartenbesitzer, der gerne Unkraut im Garten hat. Doch wen es wirklich stört, der muss nicht gleich zu chemischen Pflanzenvernichtungsmitteln greifen, sondern kann das Unkraut auch auf sanfte Art und Weise entfernen. So kann man garantieren, dass keinen anderen Lebewesen oder gar der Umwelt geschadet wird. Wer viel Wert auf einen naturnahen Garten legt sollte auf den Einsatz von chemisch-synthetischen Mitteln verzichten. Das Benutzen von solchen Mitteln ist auf befestigten oder versiegelten Oberflächen wie beispielsweise Garageneinfahrten ohnehin verboten, da schädliche Substanzen dabei ins Grundwasser eindringen können.

Seeding weeds:

Seeding weeds generally flower for a summer. But in doing so they create so many seeds that these can thrive in the ground for years afterwards. They can come back to the surface as a result of digging and then germinate again. Cutting seeding weeds whilst they are in flower also encourages further strong growth, so gardeners who do this achieve exactly the opposite of what they set out to do in the first place. It is better to wait 2-3 weeks in spring before sowing or planting. You can then remove many of the weeds which have germinated up to that point. To do so, simply work the soil with a hand grubber and pull out the unwanted troublemakers. If they have not yet flowered, they are even valuable as compost and can therefore be put to good use. Typical examples of seeding weeds: Shepherd's purse, chickweed, white goosefoot and ribwort plantain.

weed in lawn

Root-stock weeds:

Root-stock weeds are disseminated primarily underground via their roots and only to a lesser extent via seeds. If you leave a small amount of root behind when you remove them, the weed will soon appear again. Unlike seeding weeds, root-stock weeds should not be put on the compost heap, since the root parts are not killed off with any degree of certainty during the composting process. Typical examples of root-stock weeds: Temporary grasses, dandelions and the beastly couch grass.

Remember, not all weeds are always bad. Weeds include so-called 'pioneer plants' such dandelions and creeping thistle. Their strong roots aerate the soil and gather nutrients from deeper layers of soil, thereby making it possible for other plants to live later on. Many weeds are also an important source of food for useful insects and birds. You should therefore always carefully consider whether weeds really are a problem - and in which specific locations - so that you can then take targeted steps in the right places.

weed in lawn

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